Footing Depot

Protect Your Investment


arena maintenance

There are methods of keeping up with the maintenance of your footing which will enable you to enjoy your arena for many years. Below we have listed our suggestions. 

Bulb shovel with depth marks.

Bulb shovel with depth marks.

Depth Inspection

Keeping the depth of your footing consistent is critical for the longevity of your base. In order to evaluate your footing, use a hand shovel labeled with depth marks (either a bulb shovel or one you've labeled in permanent marker). Once a month, walk around your arena and insert the shovel into the footing all the way to the base. Do this in multiple places around your arena. Is it consistent? You want to see that the depth of your footing is the same all around your arena to be sure it isn't moving off your base. Remember that once your base is compromised the cost to fix your arena will increase dramatically.  Look after your investment and it will last a long time.


Drag'n'fly Pro

Grooming Your Arena

Taking the time to regularly groom your footing is necessary to extend the life of your arena.  Moving shifted footing back into place, and keeping it level, protects your base and protects your horse from injury.  We recommend the Drag'N'fly groomers from Carolina Arena Equipment. Pictured here are a few models they offer.



We have often found that the simplest improvement for many arenas is simple regrading. This is an inexpensive fix for some problems and as long as your base has not been compromised it is a good place to begin your arena upgrade. 

Regrading and getting your arena consistent can be done for as little as $1,800 - $2,500, depending upon your location. Regrading is also beneficial before introducing additives into your arena.